Social and earth justice
As a Uniting Church, social and earth justice is at the heart of what we do as an expression of our Christian faith.

We believe liberation from oppression and injustice is central to the incarnation of God through Jesus Christ and that an active faith in a just and loving God means supporting and advocating for those around us. We seek social justice for First Nations peoples, refugees and those seeking asylum, and people who are economically and socially disadvantaged, through a range of advocacy and outreach activities.
We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. We care for the earth and act in ways that will restore and protect the environment. From 1 September to 4 October we join Christians around the world in taking part in acts of worship and action focused on how we live in relationship with and care for God’s creation as part of the Season of Creation.
Faith in Action
First Nations Partnerships
We develop relationships with First Nations Peoples to celebrate significant events, grow our understanding of causes of injustice and advocate for the Uluru Statement from the Heart to be a reality.
Pilgrim Circle of Friends
The Pilgrim Circle of Friends provides financial and practical support for refugees and people seeking asylum, as well as ongoing assistance through advocacy and friendship.
Sunday Night Tea
Each Sunday at 5.30pm, we offer simple, nutritious food in a warm and caring environment where people who are disadvantaged or experiencing homelessness are most welcome.
The Lounge
On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10am and 12pm, the Lounge offers tea, coffee and a safe space to rest. All are welcome.
Pilgrims for Climate Action
Pilgrims for Climate Action are a group of concerned Christians who want to keep up to date with the latest science through regular newsletters and take practical action on climate change.
We host regular interfaith activities to share faith and life experiences.